Kivy:如何使用 RecycleView 在 Kivy 中顯示具有可變行的列表? (Kivy: how to display a list with variable rows in Kivy with a RecycleView?)


Kivy:如何使用 RecycleView 在 Kivy 中顯示具有可變行的列表? (Kivy: how to display a list with variable rows in Kivy with a RecycleView?)

我是 Python 和 Kivy 的新手,我需要顯示一個包含可變行的列表,我正在嘗試使用回收視圖,但我認為我做錯了,我不知道它是怎麼做到的完全有效。這是我的代碼

class Introduccion(Screen):
numbers = ObjectProperty()
number_list = ObjectProperty([])

def Add_ToList(self):
    dat = self.numbers.text


    numbers: numbers_input
    number_list: number_list_view
        pos_hint:{'center_y': 0.8, 'center_x':0.5}
        size_hint: None, None
        size: 700, 200
        pos: 200, 100
                rgba: 1, 0.1, 0.2, 0
                pos: 0,0
                size: self.size
            id: numbers_input
            size_hint: None, None
            pos: 520, 66
            size: 70, 30
            multiline: False
            size_hint: None, None
            pos: 600, 66
            size: 50, 30
            text: "añadir"
            on_press: root.Add_ToList()
        pos_hint:{'center_y': 0.8, 'center_x':0.5}
        size_hint: None, None
        size: 10, 10
        pos: 200, 100
            id: number_list_view
            viewclass: 'Label'
                default_size: None, dp(26)
                default_size_hint: 1, None
                size_hint_y: None
                height: self.minimum_height
                orientation: 'vertical'


方法 1:

The data of a RecycleView is a list of dictionaries with viewclass attributes as keys and the value of that attribute as values. Since your viewclass is Label, an appropriate key in the data dictionary is text. So your Introduccion class can be:

class Introduccion(Screen):
    numbers = ObjectProperty()
    number_list = ObjectProperty()

    def Add_ToList(self):{'text': str(self.numbers.text)})

The Add_ToList() method adds a new dictionary to the RecycleView data on each call. In each case, the key is text (referring to the text attribute of Label), and the value is whatever is in the TextInput.

(by juan sebastianJohn Anderson)


  1. Kivy: how to display a list with variable rows in Kivy with a RecycleView? (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#listview #Python #android-recyclerview #list #kivy


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Kivy:如何使用 RecycleView 在 Kivy 中顯示具有可變行的列表? (Kivy: how to display a list with variable rows in Kivy with a RecycleView?)
